HAHAHAHA_Vasilis Karvounis.mp4_snapshot_02.12_[2018.07.05_22.32.24]_s.jpg)
Single-channel video, 3'53"
希臘 1982年生於雅典,現於雅典生活及工作
Greece 1982 born in Athens, now living and working in Athens
作品《中標了;) 哈哈哈哈》是個關於電腦病毒如何入侵電腦並造成電腦系統癱瘓的真實螢幕影像紀錄。藝術家以幽默懷舊的方式假想電腦病毒為生物病毒,癱瘓電腦系統正如攻擊人體的免疫系統並影響神經系統的運作,造成種種心理的偏執症狀或是各種無法處理的狀態。作品作為一種現實與虛擬世界間的比喻,進一步探索人—電腦及社會—網路之間的關係連結。
The artwork, Sick ;) hahahaha, is an authentic screen image record of how a computer virus hacks and causes the crash of a computer system. The artist assumed the computer virus as a biological virus that is crippling a computer system like one that attacks the human immune system and tampers the functioning of nerve system in a humorous, nostalgic manner, causing all sorts of psychological paranoia or conditions out of control. As a metaphor between the real and virtual world, the artwork probes into the human-computer and society-Internet relationships.
Although Vasils presents the artwork through a humorous, prank-like virus, the development of a malware, nevertheless, originated from the search for backdoor and seize the access, besides the artist’s claim. The program is shrouded in a light, interesting utility or game software. Once a computer gets infected, the administrative power is handed over to the intruder. Personal privacy and sensitive data can all be accessed via computer. We could even monitor, control, browse, and modify the computer. It is therefore another concern we should understand apart from the humor.