Single-channel video, 15'24"
Alessandra FERRINI
義大利 1984年生於義大利佛羅倫斯,現於英國倫敦生活及工作
Italy 1984 born in Florence, Italy, now living and working in London, UK
Radio Ghetto是個建立於義大利雷吉諾區貧民窟的海盜電台計畫,此區域安置了將近2500名來自西非的移民,是義大利城郊眾多的貧民窟之一。Radio Ghetto計畫的發展讓居民可以透過電台發表和交流他們所經歷非人道的生活狀況,藉以揭露他們的掙扎及與其他的移民者資訊交流。
Radio Ghetto is a pirate radio project established in the ghetto of Rignano, Italy. The region is one of the many ghettos located in the suburban area of Italy, housing about 2,500 migrants from the West Africa. The development of Radio Ghetto allows the residents to speak up and share their inhumane living conditions, so as to expose their struggles and exchange with other migrants.
In the video, the work combines texts, Google Maps, and Google Street View, stressing how the medium, radio broadcast, links the information from the center to the peripheral, as it portrays the movement traces of the migrants through this distribution structure. As for the counterparty to the migrant – the employer, the work does not depict them directly and visually. Instead, their voices are employed to create traces of their omnipresent power. The voices of these migrants in these creative mediums and image materials are a communication tool throughout, which serves as the translation of thinking as well, expressing how their lives hover, selected and manifested under all sorts power frameworks.