Single-channel video, 10'33"
義大利 1982 年生於義大利帕多瓦
Elisa STRINNA Italy Born in 1982, Padua, Italy
Ascar is a land mixed with reality and ction. In Ascar, the border between ction and reality is blurred, just as many real or fanaticized scenarios or events are appropriated and copied to game space and coexist. This work takes Seoul as a target and mixes the ancient city, the new nancial district, the hill that sur- rounds the city of the South Korea with the North-South Korea border. The work investigates as well the life styles of young generation and their connections to the real world. The materials collected in the lm come from the interviews of the South Korean game player, expert in virtual reality, the doctor in the Internet ad- diction rehabilitation center, and mineralogist.
There is a young female voice in the work, guiding us through the border, and recounting scientists’ theories about the origin of the universe and of the material composition of digital technology. In the work, the borders of Ascar are untraversable. It is the struggle for identity and resistance, the fragile balance that can only live shortly in this cruel, immense universe through Darwinian sur- vival of the ttest.