2018 長時表演包含默記下一則短篇故事
Durational performance involving the memorising of a short story
新加坡 1977年生於馬來西亞麻坡,現於新加坡生活與工作
Singapore 1977 born in Muar Malaysia, now living and working in Singapore
A Short Story About Taipei is a performance work by Chong Heman in 2018. The performance consists of little stories written by the artists and the interactions between instructors and participants. There are 8 little stories at a length of less than 500 words each. The participants have to memorize the story word by word to engage in another form of in-depth reading.
During the process of performing, the instructor held a script, verbally conveying the content of the story to the participants. The participants were required to stay in the room until they can memorize the whole story. The artist assured that the story was never published either in hardcopy or online. The content existed only in between the instructor and participants. It is a slow yet unique way of reading against the rapid, shallow information exchange nowadays. Each performance is born out of the time the participants have invested (approximately 3 hours) and the psychological power to exchange for engraving.