Single-channel video, 16'48"
Nestor SIRÉ+Julia WEIST
涅斯托爾.席爾 古巴 1988年生於古巴卡馬圭,現於哈瓦那與卡馬圭生活及工作
茱莉亞.韋斯特 美國 1984年生於加拿大蒙特婁,現於紐西蘭威靈頓生活及工作
Nestor SIRÉ Cuba 1988 born in Camagüey, Cuba, now living and working in Havana and Camagüey
Julia WEIST USA 1984 born in New York, USA, now living and working in New York
The concept of Infomercial is derived from “El Paquete Semanal” (The Weekly Package) born from the Cuban Revolution 1959. El Paquete Semanal is a digital data package for individuals to access, distribute, and trade with. It is the first-hand entertaining source for Cubans since 2015. El Paquete Semanal contains TV series, music, movies, video clips, news webpages, computer technology webpages, educational video, and the local Cuban advertisements.
The two artists followed this concept, and invited the institute that made El Paquete Semanal to produce this Infomercial that conveys the historical, social, and economical statuses that brought about the existence of El Paquete Semanal, which are expanded to the development process from underground novel-rental, VHS, DVD, pirate radio broadcast to the Internet. The audience are able to take a peek at the distribution and growth of power and influence in the politico-economic status of Cuba through the evolution history of communication media.