Single-channel video, 1'50"
法國 1985年,生於法國,目前生活和工作於法國巴黎
France 1985 born in France, now living and working in Paris
《目次 / 0001》引述了一段有關繪畫研究的文字來說明這個手掌於螢幕上塗抹的動作及行為。文中提及,繪畫是加強我們與外在環境的連結,因為他表達了我們及我們視點的存在。同時,他亦代表了我們如何去理解及開拓我們的環境,解開對我們神秘的部分,並在它身上留下標示的記號。
足跡、風吹的痕跡、水氣的暈染、劃過沙灘留下的痕跡,就正如同我們繪畫,我們在物質世界中留下演繹的痕跡。而,任何消去或試圖修正的過程都是可見的。繪畫不是扇世界之窗,而是了解世界的工具。藝術家在此作中以繪畫作為一種比喻, 針對線上抹、揮等手勢動作提出了一個小巧的動作實驗。
MINDEX OF/0001 cites an excerpt regarding painting research to explain the gesture and behavior of the palm smearing over the screen. In the excerpt, it is said that painting is to reinforce our connection with the outer environment for it expresses us and the existence of our viewpoints. Meanwhile, it also represents how we get to understand and expand our environment, unlocking the mysterious parts of ours and leaving marks on it.
Footprints, traces of wind, washing of moisture, and the traces left behind on the beach are like us painting, leaving trails of deduction in the material world. Yet, any elimination or the process of attempting to correct is visible. Painting is not a window to the world, but a tool to understand the world. The artist uses painting as a metaphor in this work, proposing a small experiment of movement on the gestures of smear and wave online.