玄宇民是「在日韓國人」的第三代,出生於日本,從幼稚園到大學為止都在日本就學,照理來說他可說是日本人,然而,擁有韓國名字的他常常遭遇身分認同的議題。小學時恐懼遭人指出他是「韓國人」,甚至在被指認後,會回答「我是日本人與韓國人的混血兒」強詞說法,企圖以混血兒更優越的微妙論調,把身為在日韓國人的身份進行一種正當性轉化。因此,玄宇民的作品經常與身分認同相關,〈秋田國語傳習所〉此作品討論日語/國語/標準語在國族認同建構裡的重要性,透過拍攝目前已經沒有學生的西成瀨小學校,也就是過去遠藤熊吉的「國語/標準語」課堂,反思這個訓練「標準」的場域。一如影片中提到的「認識國語,即認識祖國」、「國語經常被形容為流淌於國民血管中的血液,國語代表了國民性」。通過拍攝這個作品,玄宇民逐漸變得能夠客觀看待自己的出身。 |
Woo-Min HYUN is the 3rd generation of “Korean-Japanese.” Born in Japan, he has been studied in Japan from kindergarten to college. As such, he is a Japanese to the bone. Yet, bearing a Korean name, HYUN often encounters identity issue. In elementary school, he was afraid of being identified as a “Korean,” and even after being identified, he would reply “I am a half-breed of Japanese and Korean” in his defense, in attempt to justify his identity as a Korean in Japan with the tricky theory of half-breed supremacy. Hence, HYUN’s works often involve the issue of identity. The work Akita National Language Education Institute probes into the importance of Japanese/national language/standard language in the construction of national identity. Through the filming of Nishinaruse Elementary School without student at present, the successor of Kumakichi Endo’s institute of “National Language/Standard Language,” it aims to reflect the training venue of “standard.” As it is said in the film, “To know the national language is to know your mother country,” “The national language is often described as the blood flowing in the veins of the nationals, the incarnation of the nationality.” In the process of shooting this film, Woo-Min Hyun gradually saw his origin in a more objective angle bit by bit. |