古巴藝術家涅斯托爾‧席爾以作品詢問「認同是甚麼?」、「認同如何在全球化和去疆域化的時代建構?」、「它是否有可能在被丟棄的念頭裡被形成?」,藝術家訪談許多曾在機場或經過邊界控管區被刁難的人們,他們訴說著自己的經歷,例如他們為何被滯留於機場的安全室、被詢問哪些奇怪的問題、如何被對待、怎麼可以安全離開等,他們一面敘述,一面把護照上被註記「問題者」的特殊貼紙撕下,轉貼到藝術家個人的身分證件上,直到這張證件被各式貼紙層層疊疊的覆蓋,無法看見原本樣貌。如果旅程是追尋自我,穿越國界移動的過程正像一面鏡子,映照出自己。影片中碎片式的個人經驗與回溯,在述說與拋棄(轉貼)之間,集結成集體記憶,見證著當代移動的故事。 |
Nestor SIRÉ, an artist from Cuba, often inquires by his works: “What is identity,” “How identity can be constructed in an era of globalization and deterritorialization,” and “Is it possible to be formed from the discarded ideas?” The artist interviews many people who have been questioned at the airport or the custom across borders. They tell their stories, like how they were taken to the security room at the airport, being attacked by weird questions, how they were treated, how they could get away safe. As they are telling the stories, they would tear off the little stamps “problematical individual” on their passports, and stick them onto the personal ID of the artist until the latter is fully covered by all sorts of stamps and can hardly be recognized its original appearance. If a journey is a quest to oneself, the process of crossing border is just like a mirror, reflecting who one is. The fragmented personal accounts and retrospects in the video, amidst the narratives as well as tossing (posting), are accumulated into one collective memory, witnessing the story of contemporary movement. |