楊俊1975年出生於中國,1979年隨家人移居奧地利,成長在西方社會,他的作品反映自身經歷的文化衝擊與身分認同。〈關於遺忘與記憶的一則短篇〉以自身對亞洲城市既陌生又熟悉的觀察角度進入台北這座城市,以影像與文字鋪陳出可見與不可見的台北。影片中虛構了一位男主角:一個未能適應白天生活而總是失眠,在夜晚都市中漫遊的台北人,以第一人稱敘事的獨白揭露這個城市獨特卻又矛盾的一面。忽倏而過的車流、昏黃的路燈、遠處閃爍的霓虹招牌、影像重疊的紛雜聲量,以夜晚作為一種「過渡」和「之間」的隱喻,在失去時間感的迷離之中,開始深入台北人的精神和城市的內在性。記憶/歷史、植入/遺忘、真實/虛構、個人情感/地方集體認同交織、流動、組構成這一則詩般的短篇。 |
Jun YANG was born to China in 1975, immigrated to Austria with family in 1979, and grew up in the Western society. As such, his artworks reflect the culture shock as well as identity issue he has experienced. A Short-story on Forgetting and Remembering probes into Taipei City with his own strange and yet familiar eyes toward Asian cities, and portrays the tangible and intangible Taipei via images and words. There is a fictional male protagonist in the film, who can never adapt himself to day life. He is a resident of Taipei that suffers from insomnia, and wanders around in the city at night. Through the soliloquy of the first-person narrator, it reveals the unique but paradoxical aspects of this city. The abrupt, swift traffic, the dim street lights, the flickering neon signs, and the hustle and bustle. The night serves as some kind of metaphor for “transition” and “in-between.” Amidst the bewilderment due to the loss of sense of time, it explores the spirit of the people of Taipei as well as the immanence of the city. Memory/history, implanted/forgotten, truthful/fictional, individual emotions/domestic collective identity, flow and intertwine into this poetic short story.