Then indeed there’s got to be, what do I know, something good
single-channel video
Florian Andreas DEDEK

德國 / 1984年生於德國杜伊斯堡,現於德國萊比錫和柯隆生活及工作   Germany / 1984 born in Duisburg, Germany, now living and working in Leipzig and Cologne, Germany
德國紅軍派(Red Army Faction, RAF)作為1968年全球學潮的一個章節,從學生抗議運動與媒體論戰,逐漸演變成社會政治行動。對於像藝術家的弗洛里安‧安德烈亞斯‧杰德克這樣出生於德國杜伊斯堡的同輩人,德國紅軍派運動更深深烙印在他們的家族記憶中。援用〈德國之秋〉(Germany in Autumn)這部發行於1979年,被認為與紅軍派有關聯的經典散文電影中的對白為作品名稱,杰德克的主觀鏡頭帶著觀眾從家族相簿來到相關事件的舊址,從公路、監獄這類社會基礎建設,藝術家的父母透過電話抑或面對鏡頭,重訪那個懸置的命題:「倘若當時我遭受到莫須有的罪名構陷入獄?」社會對於德國紅軍派集體失憶的人文地景,呼應著藝術家兒時雙親缺席的成長過程,也是西德文化經歷與記憶政治的敘事之一。 Having begun as a student protest movement and a media controversy in 1968, the Red Army Faction (RAF) developed into a social political movement. For those born in Duisburg, Germany, like Florian Andreas DEDEK, this movement is deeply imprinted in the family memory. Borrowing lines from Germany in Autumn the classic omnibus film released in 1979 and widely regarded as a close reference to the RA, to title his work, DEDEK uses the camera subjectively to bring audiences from the family photo albums to sites associated with RAF events, including highways and prisons. The artist’s parents appear in the work via camera and phone. What DEDEK revisits is conceivable scenario— “what if I were framed and put in jail for some fabricated charges today?” The collective amnesia surrounding the RAF constitutes the cultural landscape, framed by the fact that DEDEK grew up without the presence of his parents, and resonating with a narrative of political memory and cultural experience in West Germany.