鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw
孫惠敏 + 約翰.呂東 |
南韓 + 愛爾蘭 |
綜合媒材、文件、錄像 |
SON Hyemin + John Reardon |
South Korea + Ireland |
Ghost Tour
mixed media, documents, video |
孫惠敏和約翰.呂東是一對跨國籍的創作搭檔,過去進行的藝術計劃皆嘗試跨越多種創作媒材,並藉著在社區的田野工作中獲得作品的「實存性」。本作《鬼魂之旅》是孫惠敏和約翰.呂東在首爾所進行過最富野心的計劃之一,內容主要圍繞著首爾梨泰院(Itaewon)的美軍姦殺事件;今日的梨泰院是流行文化重鎮,但同時也是美軍基地的所在處,因為治外法權的關係,美軍基地設立之後發生於此的一連串姦殺事件並無法被制止。為此,兩位藝術家設計了一系列的活動,其中包括讓裝扮成鬼魂樣貌的導覽員進行「導覽活動」,帶領遊客一一重回現場。本次台北的展出除了透過各種文件再現梨泰院的《鬼魂之旅》,兩位藝術家也將在本次展出期間製作台北版的《鬼魂之旅》。 |
The transnational, creative partners of SON Hyemin and John Reardon have explored a variety of media, and tried to capture the "existence" of their works through fieldworks in the community."Ghost Tour" is one of the most ambitious projects SON and Reardon conducted in Seoul, involving crimes that U.S. military personnel raped and murdered local females. Itaewon, a center of pop culture today and the location for U.S. military garrison. Due to extraterritoriality, rape and murder incidents happen from time to time with ineffective containment after the setup of US garrison. The two artists designed a series of activities, including a guide tour dressing in ghost costumes, guiding tourists to the sites where crimes were committed. In addition to the reproduction of the "Ghost Tour" of Itaewon along with various documents in this Exhibition, the two artists would also create the "Ghost Tour" of Taipei for this Exhibition. |