鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw


安娜.瑪利亞.馬帖那 + 羅貝多.塔洛尼




Anna Maria Martena + Roberto Taroni


57.600 seconds of invisible night and light
2009, single-channel video, 5'25"

2006年成立的義大利藝術團體「FLAT FORM」,專職創作錄像藝術以及和時間相關之裝置藝術;作品曾於巴黎龐畢度中心、斯德哥爾摩文化之家以及華盛頓特區的赫胥宏博物館館等地展出。本次所展出的作品《57.600秒,不可見的夜與光》呈現了一個尋常的街景,但這個街景卻快速地在日景與夜景之間切換,呈現出了一幅超現實的場景。「FLATFORM」認為這樣子的動態影像設計,混淆了日與夜∕光明與闇黑之間的對立關係,創造出一幅鬼魅般的地景,目的是為了背離西方基督教傳統宰制下所創造出來的二元論世界。 Founded in 2006, the Italian art group FLATFORM works in video and time based installations. Artworks by FLATFORM have been shown in exhibitions at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Kulturhuset in Stockholm, Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C., etc. The works exhibited"57,600 seconds of invisible night and light" depicts an ordinary street setting switching swiftly between day and night and thus invents a surreal scene. FLATFORM believes that with the design of such moving images, it blurs the lines between day & night / light & darkness, and creates a phantom-like landscape for the purpose of divergence from the world of dualism governed by the Christian tradition of the West.