Two-channel video, 15'45"
LEE Eunhee
南韓 1990年生於南韓,現於柏林與首爾生活及工作
South Korea 1990 born in South Korea, now living and working in Berlin and Seoul
Contrast of Yours is a two-channel video work that exposes some true cases unable to be detected by the eyes of surveillance system in the age of digital technology today. Personal information is easily recorded, analyzed, and restructured in the convenient life nowadays. Different information visibilities are employed to discriminate in order to represent in sight in images.
On the hand, when a personal information fails to be detected by the eye of machine due to certain condition, the identity of useless information is not just being marginalized, but excluded out of the system. Under such circumstances, the individual may fail to represent himself/herself. In this artwork, the artist attempt to explore the long-term connection between individual, image, and data in the technological environment today.