〈北投異托邦〉計畫是日本的都市劇場導演高山明延續其團隊Port B於2013年東京藝術節 發表的〈東京異托邦〉構想與執行架構為藍本,進行跨國實踐。高山明將北投豐富的人文地景作為都市劇場的特定場域,此計畫將從一張特別為這件作品繪製設計的地圖開始,帶觀眾走訪七個具特殊歷史意義之地點:鳳凰閣、白團、軍醫院、眷村、地熱谷、過去的性病檢查所,以及計程摩托車榕樹下休息站。參與計畫的台日作家包括管啟次郎、溫又柔、陳又津、瓦歷斯‧諾幹,他們為這些地點量身撰寫文字,錄製廣播劇。觀眾可搭乘當地的計程摩托車參訪這些地點,感受別具在地風味的移動狀態,在現場使用智慧型手機下載這些聲音檔案,聆聽這個聲演旅遊劇場所呈現這百年來東亞/東南亞移動史的北投地方故事。
Beitou Heterotopia is a transnational initiation as well as an extension based on the conceptual framework of Tokyo Heterotopia, taking on the philosophical outline of urban theatre, the project produced by Japanese theatre director Akira TAKAYAMA and his team Port B, and later showcased on Festival/Tokyo 2013. Akira TAKAYAMA takes the complex historical trajectory inscribed upon then cultural landscape of Beitou as the terrain for his play. This project starts from a map made specifically for this piece, leading the audience to go on a tour of 7 sites with significant historical connotations: Phoenix Pavilion, the White Group, Military Hospital, Veteran Village, Thermal Valley, the former STD Inspection Institute, and Banyan Motorbike Taxi Rest Stop. The participating writers from Japan and Taiwan include Kenjiro SUGA, Yu-Ju WEN, Yu-Chin CHEN, and Walis Nokan. They tailor-made information in texts and radio drama. The audience could take the local motorbike taxi to visit these sites, enjoy the unique mobile experience of the local, and download the audio files on-site to listen to the local stories of Beitou with sound performance theatre depicting the mobile history of East Asia/Southeast Asia for the last hundred years. |